Monday, April 9, 2007


"In doing this project about young adult fathers, I’ve realized that life is indeed full of surprises. Who would imagine that amidst innocence and everything good, a person can be a parent (or a father, for this matter) at a young age? The theories learned in class made me understand a certain aspect that science could explain on why this kind of phenomenon happens today. It helped me to be more understanding of life’s inevitable complexities". - Francesca Alvarez

"Doing this project on young fatherhood got me into the undiscovered world of the nakabuntis. That as much as the expectant young mother is suffering, there is also the young expectant father on the other end that we have to support, that we have to guide. Life's a major circus, but we can make it a good one, by being more open minded towards new occurences". - Valerie Sakuma

"I have learned a lot when we were working on this project. Honestly, I only have little knowledge about adolescent father and I don’t even care about them since I cannot relate to them and I haven’t met nor have a friend which is an adolescent father. But this project opened my eyes to the situations of young fathers. I realized that they need help especially guidance to all the things their facing now that they’re already a dad. It is really hard for them to raise a child since they are not at the right age and they don’t even know how to raise their own child. Orienting them or giving them enough attention is the best way to guide this young fathers on how would they deal with their situation. I think our recommendation or the solutions that we came up are one way of helping this young fathers". - Shelley Viola

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